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Ship generative AI apps to production

with confidence.

Take your prototypes to production using the LastMile developer platform. We make it easy to debug & evaluate RAG pipelines, version & optimize prompts, and manage models.

Teaming up with companies like:

FinTech Innovation LabThe AI AllianceHugging FaceCircle CI



Detect hallucinations with small, targeted evaluator models

Automated evaluators to benchmark your RAG

Faithfulness evaluators that outperform GPT-4 and run at 1/1000th the cost. Best of all, they can be fine-tuned for other RAG evals, like answer relevance, and customized with your application data (you own the model).

RAG Debugger

RAG Debugger

Inspect and
debug RAG applications

Connect your data to LLMs in a safe and systematic way.

Unified OpenTelemetry traces across both ingestion and retrieval pipelines to help you improve RAG performance. Run evals and compare experiment runs to methodically identify the best combination of chunking strategy, embedding model, retrieval algorithm & more.

Consult AI Expert

Need help deploying a production-ready RAG application?

Getting a generative AI application from prototype to production is hard. Let us help you. Our team of engineers and ML researchers can help build, debug and evaluate enterprise-grade RAG applications.



Version control and optimize prompts with AIConfig

Version, evaluate & optimize prompts and model parameters with an open-source framework that manages prompts as YAML configs.

Use AIConfig SDK to decouple model-specific logic from your application code and swap model providers with ease. Use AIConfig Editor as a universal prompt playground to optimize prompts for
any model or modality, including text, image and audio.

Service Mesh

Service Mesh

Unified API for Accessing Third-Party Models

Unified API gateway that handle model inference, routing, response caching, monitoring and rate limiting.

Provision AI Service Mesh within your organization cloud to provide streamlined access to generative AI with admin controls and safety guardrails. Manage approved models, track costs, monitor usage, enforce rate limits and more.

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